Deko Studio was created by a team of talented designers and joiners, who are also pet-crazy animal-lovers. The pet furniture range started with the idea to offer great-looking, practical accessories to South African families who enjoy pampering their pets.
Our creative carpenters spent months prototyping and playing with exciting new ideas, before launching this selection of functional modern beds for pets. The designs will complement classic and contemporary home décor, while giving your beloved pets a comfortable place to sleep.With a pet bed from Deko Studio, you can integrate your furry companion’s living space with your own. There are several styles to choose from, with a selection of customisable fabric and wood finishes. Choose your favourite combination, for a creation that will suit your style and earn your pet’s stamp of approval.
Our lovingly crafted products are made to order in Cape Town, and shipped across South Africa. We deliver to Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban and Pretoria.
Browse our online retail store to find the perfect pet bed, or contact our friendly customer service team at for more information.